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We are called to serve not to be served.

manju yu

The human mind is an absolutely marvelous and incredible gift from our Divine Maker! No one has ever tapped the full extent of this “personal home computer,” the brain! Some indications of the fascinating capabilities of the human mind are quite obvious in the stunning accomplishments of people on this planet down through history. But the precious gift of the mind can be used to serve exclusively one’s own agenda, needs, and desires with a careless attitude toward all other people and their desperate cries for help. A self-serving mindset does not aid this world in its terrible plight. I see a self-serving mindset from three different angles.

Criteria #1 - “I want what feels good to me.” The problem with this mindset is that it can actually hurt another human being.

Criteria #2 – “I desire what sounds true to me.” The problem here is that you just may be on the receiving end of a load of deception and lies and myths.

Criteria #3 – “I crave what seems beneficial to me.” The problem here is that what you wish to have or experience may actually be detrimental to you and to others you know.

Instead of having a self-serving mindset, may you have a Christ-centred mind that is Bible-based and Spirit-led.

(Seaway News: Opinion Column)

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Anthony Dela Cruz
Feb 07, 2023

I watched your sermon video about the Gospel in the gospel. I want to watch more of this kind of videos. God bless.

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